About Characterization.nano

Characterization.nano provides an umbrella for a set of shared focus facilities where users can carry out controlled characterization of micro, nano, and sub-nanoscale structures.

We are assembling state-of-the-art toolsets for dimensional science of surfaces and interfaces, advanced imaging spectroscopy (ambient, Cryo and in-vivo), and nanoscale analysis that will promote technological innovation and serve as a hub for scientists with widely different expertise. 

To take advantage of these tools, first follow these steps to become a user.

Biological sample registration

Use this form for each new biological sample you would like to bring into the MIT.nano facility for specimen preparation and/or imaging. To register multiple samples you will need to submit the form more than once. MIT.nano staff work with you to establish procedures for your specimen that ensure safety for all users of the facility.



The majority of the characterization, metrology, and microscopy toolsets can be found in the basement floor of MIT.nano. Designed and constructed to minimize mechanical-vibrational and electro-magnetic interference, this lower-level is home to an array of highly-sensitive microscopes and other instrumentation for seeing and measuring at the nanoscale. 

Additional toolsets are spread throughout the building and can be found in the MIT.nano cleanroom and prototyping spaces.


Please make sure to acknowledge the use of the MIT.nano Characterization in any publication, presentations, and patents involving results originated from the use of the MIT.nano Characterization Focus Facilities or through assistance from MIT.nano staff.

Suggested language: " This work was performed in part in the MIT.nano Characterization Facilities"

We encourage acknowledgement of the intellectual contribution of the MIT.nano personnel in the form of a personal acknowledgement of the contribution or authorship if the contribution is merited in accordance with MIT responsible conduct of research policies.

Please let us know of your publications with MIT.nano!

Submit your research images to be featured on the walls of Characterization.nano: complete this form.