Rates for internal (MIT) users
Skip to the equipment checkout policies.
2024 - 2025 Academic Year
All users must have an active MUMMS/NEMO account. For external rates, please consult this chart or contact immersion@mit.edu. New users should submit the quick start form on the Access the Immersion Lab page.
HP Z8 data science workstation, no cost to users
Remote access is encouraged.
Main lab space (CVBE) ["The Cube"], $200 per hour (assisted use), $100 per hour (qualified self users)
Includes use of motion capture systems (full body, finger tracking, facial mocap, and eye-tracking), sensor floor, wireless sensor and physiological monitoring systems, and Dolby Atmos 7.1 audio system for no additional fees.
Lenscloud 3D scanner, $100 per scan/model
Matterport Pro2 camera, $50 per day
Rate applies to borrowing the camera only and includes 1 week of access to a Matterport collaborator seat.** Captured spaces can be transferred to your own Matterport account or hosted with the Immersion Lab for a limited period of time. Matterport MatterPaks (downloadable space models and files) can be purchased from Matterport at cost (~$60 as of September 2024. Please note that Matterpak pricing has increased compared to previous years.)
**Editing and annotating your Matterport space: Because we have limited collaborator web seats (required for edit access to your space), checkout of the Pro2 camera includes use of a collaborator seat for 1 week; additional time will be charged at $4/week. Note that collaborator access is only required while actively editing your space, not for hosting a publicly-viewable space.
Ricoh Theta V 360 camera, $10 per day
May be checked out for use outside the lab.
Ricoh Theta Z1 360 camera, $25 per day
May be checked out for use outside the lab.
HoloLens2 AR headset, $50 per day
For in-lab use only.
Varjo XR3 headset, $10 per hour (not per day)
For in-lab use only.
HP Reverb G2 Omnicept headset, $15 per day
For in-lab use only.
HTC Vive Pro Eye headset, $15 per day
For in-lab use only.
Meta Quest Pro VR headset, $20 per day
For in-lab use only.
Meta Quest 3 VR headset, $20 per day
May be checked out for use outside the lab.
Oculus Quest 2 VR headset, $10 per day
May be checked out for use outside the lab.
Azure Kinect DK, $20 per day
May be checked out for use outside the lab.
Special requests (e.g. extended checkout of a VR headset for UROP research work) can be submitted and may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis; please contact us!
Need customized development assistance for your project? Please come discuss it with us! In some cases we may be able to offer an hourly rate for custom development help.
Equipment checkout policies
2024 - 2025 Academic Year
To check out equipment, you must have an active MUMMS and NEMO account.
Borrowable equipment can typically be checked out for 1-7 days at a time. Pick up and return equipment at the Immersion Lab on the third floor of Building 12.
Make requests at least 24 hours in advance.
We will contact you to confirm your reservation and arrange your pickup and return times during normal lab hours. Same-day requests may be accommodated if equipment and staff are available, but please try to plan ahead.
Be on time to pickup.
Please don’t be late to pickup or your reservation may be cancelled. You may be asked for photo ID to ensure your reserved equipment isn’t given to someone else by accident.
Return all borrowed items in good working condition
All parts and accessories must be returned with the equipment.
Report any issues or damage to the equipment
Log any issues, maintenance needs, or damage before or at return.
Return on time
Please don’t be late to your return time. Late returns may incur overdue fees. Borrowers with items more than 2 weeks overdue may be charged for the items’ full replacement costs (plus any additional expenses including, but not limited to, warranty, shipping and handling, and accessories).
You are responsible for the care and timely return of any borrowed equipment, including all accessories. Inform us of any issues that arise. We need your help to ensure that we can sustain this service for the community.
Always use Immersion Lab equipment in a safe and appropriate manner. Failure to follow MIT expectations for integrity and conduct may result in loss of borrowing privileges.
If the equipment is stolen, please report the theft immediately to MIT Police (if on-campus) or the local police department (if off-campus) to file a police report. Please also contact us to inform us of the situation and provide a copy of the police report and a phone number to reach you for further questions.