Lab Documentation
MIT.nano Policy and References
MIT.nano Wet Chemical Training Course Material
MIT.nano Spin Coaters and Chemicals
Tool and Instrument Procedures
Supplemental Videos and Procedures
Presentations and Slides
Nikon Optical Microscope Slides (February 2025)
Film Sense Ellipsometer Basics (December 2024)
Lesker Introduction to Vacuum Science Slides (November 2024)
Lesker PVD and Thin Film Growth (November 2024)
Vacuum Basics for the Fab (September 2024)
Introduction to e-Beam Lithography (July 2024)
Substrate Cleaning for Research (June 2024)
Variable Angle Spectral Ellipsometry (May 2024)
Introduction to Reactive Ion Etching (April 2024)
The Scanning Electron Microscope (March 2024)
Optical Microscope Introduction Slides (February 2024)