The PANalytical Empyrean is a precision powder diffractometer for characterizing the composition of polycrystalline and oriented materials. The Empyrean is equipped with a molybdenum X-ray source which enables transmission mode measurements, pair-distribution function analysis, and measurements on iron- and cobalt-rich samples.
- Vertical circle θ/θ goniometer
- XYZ translation stage for precise sample positioning and XY mapping
- Bragg-Brentano (parafocusing) and focusing (Mo only) beam geometries
- Microdiffraction masks for beam sizes as small as 100 μm
- Anton Paar CHC+ heating/humidity stage
- Capillary spinner stage for transmission measurements
- 45 position automatic sample changer
- X-ray Sources: Sealed tube: molybdenum target; Sealed tube: copper target
- Detectors: GalipPIX3D 2D area detector; PIXcel1D 1D position-sensitive detector
Jordan Cox, Ph.D
Building 13
60 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA
Charlie Settens, PhD
Building 13
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Only qualified users can reserve and use the instrument. Reservations are limited to 4 hours of instrument time.
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA