SAXSLAB Instrument Specific Training - August 14

August 14, 2024
1:00PM -3:00PM ET
13-4027 (Campus Map: )

This course will teach users the basics of data collection using the SAXSLAB instrument.  The SAXSLAB system has automated detector positioning for SAXS/WAXS analyses of samples in capillaries or freestanding films in a transmission geometry and GISAXS/GIWAXS of samples supported on a monolithic substrate in grazing incidence reflection gemoetry. Calibration of the q-range using silver behenate, acquisition of empty, buffer (if sample is immersed in solvent) and dark current exposures for similar timescales and data reduction procedures will be covered. The SAXSLAB instrument is very well suited for analyzing polymers, soft materials, nanoparticles in solution or dried on substrates, porous samples, and nanostructured surfaces. The emphasis in this training session will be design of experiment, routine collection and data reduction.

SAXS - small angle X-ray scattering
WAXS - wide angle X-ray scattering
GISAXS - grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering

Active MIT.nano user account is required to participate in this training. Please setup an account prior to registering for the training event. 

Contact Name
Charlie Settens
Contact Email
Functional Area
Event Type
X-Ray diffraction & imaging
Spots Available