Cypher AFM Basic Training-Jan 22

January 22, 2024
13:00PM -15:00PM ET
MIT.nano 12-0191

This training event will focus on the basic imaging and operation of the Cypher S and VRS AFM's available at MIT.nano Characterization Facilities. Starting from the basic principles of AFM, users will also learn about cantilever selection and installation, different imaging modes, image quality improvement, and data processing and analysis methods. Users can bring their own samples for this training and SPM probes are provided. Notice, users must supply their own probes for followup qualification sessions. Full independent tool access will be granted upon completion of 2 additional one-on-one supervised use sessions that will be coordinated with the staff member during this small group training. 

Active MIT.nano user account is required to participate in this training. Please setup an account prior to registering for the training event. 

Contact Name
Rami Dana
Contact Email
Functional Area
Event Type
Spots Available