PANalytical Empyrean XRPD Instrument Specific Training- Jan 11

January 11, 2024
1:00PM -3:00PM ET
13-4027 (Campus Map: )
PANalytical Empyrean

The PANalytical Empyrean diffractometer is an excellent choice for X-ray powder/polycrystalline diffraction measurements with low background. The default mode of this instrument is in Bragg-Brentano parafocusing geometry with CuKa1,Ka2 doublet radiation. Samples can be loaded into a 45-position sample changer to input into the reflection-transmission spinner stage. The instrument has linear position sensitive detector (Pixcel 1D, max count rate: 6.5 x 10^9 cps) which permits rapid data collection up to 255 times faster than with a traditional point detector.

The basic instrument training session will focus on the collection of powder diffraction data using the Bragg Brentano High Definition (BBHD) flat mirror optic, 45-position sample changer, reflection transmission spinner (in reflection geometry) and the Pixcel 1D detector.  This configuration is best suited for high-speed high-resolution data collection from powders and polycrystalline thin films.

Accessories include a Anton Paar CHC+ Cryo-Humidity stage. After you have completed this training, you can request individual training on the humidity stage available with this instrument. 

Users of this instrument should also strongly consider taking a data analysis course to suit their needs, such as the line profile fitting course for crystallite size and microstrain analysis, the Rietveld refinement series for quantitative phase analysis and unit cell analysis, or the Introduction to High Score Plus for qualitative phase identification and database search techniques.

Active MIT.nano user account is required to participate in this training. Please setup an account prior to registering for the training event. 

Contact Name
Jordan Cox
Contact Email
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Event Type
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