NanoOne is a high-resolution, high speed 3D printing system based on multi-photon lithography that combines the precision of 2-photon polymerization with an unmatched throughput of >450 mm³ per hour. The NanoOne system closes the gap between conventional 2PP printing systems and microstereolithography.
The laser built into the NanoOne system allows the use of low magnification objectives and production of centimeter scale structures with morphological details of less than 2 microns. The NanoOne system can print a series of components within one print job. The components can be either identical or differ in design and/or printing parameters. Predefined and proven print profiles can be used.
- Minimal horizontal feature size ≥170 nm
- Minimal vertical feature size ≥550 nm
- Minimal surface roughness ≤10 nm
- Throughput >450 mm³/h
- Writing speed ≥1000 mm/s
- Accessible writing area 100x120 mm
- Part height up to 40 mm
- Batch and small series production
- Micro-Fluidics
- Micro-Optics
- Medical devices
- Micro-Mechanics
- Surface modification
Please make sure to acknowledge MIT.nano APT facility in any publication, presentations, and patents involving results originated from the use of the NanoOne system or through assistance from MIT.nano staff.
Suggested language: " This work was performed in part in the MIT.nano APT Facilities"

MIT.nano (5th level prototyping space)
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA