Agilent 5500 is an easy to use, multiple-user research system for atomic force microscopy. The modular design of the system permits, large samples handling, integration of an inverted optical microscope, inverted light coupling, numerous imaging modes and customizable sample-handling plates.
Large Multi-Purpose Scanner
Scanning Range: 90μm x 90μm
Z Range: 8μm
Vertical Noise: 0.5Å RMS
Kinematic mount translatable plate
- Electrochemistry
- Life science
- Materials science
- Polymer science
- Electrical characterization
Please make sure to acknowledge MIT.nano Characterization in any publication, presentations, and patents involving results originated from the use of the Agilent 5500 AFM at MIT.nano Characterization Focus Facilities or through assistance from MIT.nano staff.
Suggested language: " This work was performed in part in the MIT.nano Characterization Facilities"

12-0195 (EM12)
MIT.nano (basement level)
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA