HF5000 is a field-emission transmission electron microscope (TEM), equipped with a cold field-emission electron gun (CFEG)—with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV—that is designed to achieve high spatial resolution while offering sample tilting and advanced analytical capabilities, three STEM detectors: a bright-field STEM (BF-STEM) detector and an annular dark-field STEM (DF-STEM) detector, both mounted below the sample, and an Everhart-Thornley (E-T) secondary-electron (SE) detector mounted on the upper side of the sample above the objective lens. All three signals may be recorded and saved simultaneously, both as static images or as movies.
- 60, 200 kV operating range
- Probe-forming spherical aberration (Cs) corrector
- Sub-1 Å imaging at S/TEM mode
- EDS detector (atomic resolution elemental mapping with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS))
- Everhart-Thornley (E-T) secondary-electron (SE) detector
Experimental environments currently enabled: - Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Water valor
- Methanol
- Atomic-resolution imaging and spectroscopy
- Correlating morphology, structure, and chemistry
- In-situ processes monitoring under various gaseous environments
- Elemental and chemical analyses of small analytical volumes
Aubrey Penn, PhD
Building 12 (basement)
60 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA

Prior electron microscopy imaging experience is required to become an independent user
MIT.nano (basement level)
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA