The Rigaku SmartLab is a versatile, multipurpose diffractometer for measurements on a wide range of samples. The SmartLab has a rotating anode X-ray source which gives orders of magnitude more flux than a sealed tube, boosting the observed signal in powder diffraction, grazing-incidence (GIXD), X-ray reflectivity (XRR), and high-resolution diffraction (HRXRD) measurements. For HRXRD applications, the SmartLab is also equipped with an in-plane detector arm which enables measurements on fully in-plane reflections.
- Vertical circle θ/θ goniometer
- Detector in-plane (2θ-χ) arm
- 4-axis sample stage for automated sample alignment
- Bragg-Brentano (parafocusing) and parallel beam geometries
- HT 1500 furnace stage for in situ heating (25 – 1500 °C)
- Capillary spinner stage for transmission measurements
- 9 position automatic sample changer
- X-ray Source: Rotating anode: copper target
- Detectors: Scintillation counter 0D detector; D/teX Ultra 1D position-sensitive detector
Jordan Cox, Ph.D
Building 13
60 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA
Charlie Settens, PhD
Building 13
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Only qualified users can reserve and use the instrument. Reservations are limited to 4 hours of instrument time.
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA