Past Events

FAB.nano New User Orientation - Aug 26

August 26, 2024

The orientation consists of a series of self-paced videos to watch, and a 30-minute check-in over zoom, where we provide an introduction, answer questions about the lab & capabilities and how to get started, and check for any missing trainings. All cleanroom and packaging space users need to complete the orientation before card access can be granted.

Users with no prior cleanroom experience also take a half-day “quick-start” class, which provides a hands-on experience in core methods (deposition, lithography, etch). Users with prior cleanroom experience will receive a waiver during the orientation check-in. If you only need to use the packaging space (and not the cleanroom), the quick-start is not needed.

Registering for the orientation, you will get a chance to describe your general fabrication needs, helping us better understand each user’s goals and expectations. The registration form also contains a checklist to help you spot any missing EHS trainings.

After registering, you will get an email with a link to the videos to watch, and the zoom link to the orientation event.

FAB.nano 24h Qualification - Aug 23

August 23, 2024

All users have lab access during staffed hours (Mo-Th 8am - 9pm; Fr 8am-7pm).  To be able to use the lab after-hours and on weekends, users need to understand how to respond in emergency situations. During the 24h access qualification, a small group of PTC members ask you relevant safety questions that allow you to demonstrate your knowledge. This discussion typically takes 10-15 minutes.

Prior completion of the wet chemical training is required, as it provides the relevant safety foundations. 

FAB.nano Wet Chemical Process Training - Aug 20

August 20, 2024
MIT.nano (12-4001)

The Wet Chemical Process Training provides an introduction for all work with liquid chemicals in Fab.nano. Completion is required for any use of fume hoods or wet benches (including solvents, hands-on training for spin coaters, corrosive hoods and wet benches).

The training is also a prerequisite for 24-hour access to the Fab.nano facility, as it provides the relevant safety foundations.

FAB.nano New User Quick-Start - Aug 20

August 20, 2024
Fab.nano Cleanroom (12-3101)

All users without previous cleanroom work experience are required to take the quick-start training. Waivers for prior experience will be handled during the Fab.nano orientation.

The quick-start provides hands-on training to new users, by following through a simple 1-mask process in a small group. You will gain familiarity with entering the lab, handling samples, learn about deposition, lithography and etch tools, and how to verify process results.

An active MIT.nano user account is required to participate in this training. Please setup an account prior to registering for the training event.

Because we are working in the lab, please wear long pants and full shoes

Please have the Fab.nano Orientation completed before the quick-start event.

FAB.nano New User Orientation - Aug 19

August 19, 2024

The orientation consists of a series of self-paced videos to watch, and a 30-minute check-in over zoom, where we provide an introduction, answer questions about the lab & capabilities and how to get started, and check for any missing trainings. All cleanroom and packaging space users need to complete the orientation before card access can be granted.

Users with no prior cleanroom experience also take a half-day “quick-start” class, which provides a hands-on experience in core methods (deposition, lithography, etch). Users with prior cleanroom experience will receive a waiver during the orientation check-in. If you only need to use the packaging space (and not the cleanroom), the quick-start is not needed.

Registering for the orientation, you will get a chance to describe your general fabrication needs, helping us better understand each user’s goals and expectations. The registration form also contains a checklist to help you spot any missing EHS trainings.

After registering, you will get an email with a link to the videos to watch, and the zoom link to the orientation event.

FAB.nano 24h Qualification - Aug 16

August 16, 2024

All users have lab access during staffed hours (Mo-Th 8am - 9pm; Fr 8am-7pm).  To be able to use the lab after-hours and on weekends, users need to understand how to respond in emergency situations. During the 24h access qualification, a small group of PTC members ask you relevant safety questions that allow you to demonstrate your knowledge. This discussion typically takes 10-15 minutes.

Prior completion of the wet chemical training is required, as it provides the relevant safety foundations. 

SAXS Data Analysis with SASview software- August 14

August 14, 2024
3:00PM -4:00PM ET
13-4041 (Campus Map: )

This course is intended to provide users with practical examples of fitting SAXS data with SASview software.

Since most SAXS profiles do not exhibit well defined peaks like crystalline diffraction but instead characteristic "slopes," it is a heavily model-dependent method. After proper data reduction of a SAXS patterns, the data interpretation methods include extracting structural information from standardized plots such as Guinier, Porod, Kratky and Zimm plots. Elements of SAXS data modeling include calculations of the radius of gyration, of the single-particle form factor, inter-particle structure factors and the modeling effects of polydispersity.


SAXSLAB Instrument Specific Training - August 14

August 14, 2024
1:00PM -3:00PM ET
13-4027 (Campus Map: )

This course will teach users the basics of data collection using the SAXSLAB instrument.  The SAXSLAB system has automated detector positioning for SAXS/WAXS analyses of samples in capillaries or freestanding films in a transmission geometry and GISAXS/GIWAXS of samples supported on a monolithic substrate in grazing incidence reflection gemoetry. Calibration of the q-range using silver behenate, acquisition of empty, buffer (if sample is immersed in solvent) and dark current exposures for similar timescales and data reduction procedures will be covered. The SAXSLAB instrument is very well suited for analyzing polymers, soft materials, nanoparticles in solution or dried on substrates, porous samples, and nanostructured surfaces. The emphasis in this training session will be design of experiment, routine collection and data reduction.

SAXS - small angle X-ray scattering
WAXS - wide angle X-ray scattering
GISAXS - grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering

Active MIT.nano user account is required to participate in this training. Please setup an account prior to registering for the training event. 

Basics of Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) Lecture- August 14

August 14, 2024
10:00AM -11:00AM ET
13-4041 (Campus Map: )

This lecture is intended for people who want to become independent self-user of the small or wide angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) instrument in the MRL X-Ray Lab.  SAXS describes the analysis of any sample that has nanostructured (1-100nm) electron density fluctuations -- i.e., nanoparticles in solution, block co-polymers, ionic liquids, soft matter, etc. Typically nanoscale electron density variations arise as structured (nanoscale object in a lattice), unstructured (in solution), or oriented (fiber or affixed to substrate) therefore treatment of each type of sample is on a case by case basis.  

Students must also attend SAXSLAB instrument specific training course to learn how to put the knowledge obtained in the lecture to practice.

This lecture will survey the fundamentals of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), focusing on the bare essentials required to productively collect and analyze SAXS data.  In addition to theory, this lecture will cover practical considerations such as common sources of error and a guide to structural interpretation and justification using SAXS patterns.

FAB.nano New User Quick-Start - Aug 13

August 13, 2024
Fab.nano Cleanroom (12-3101)

All users without previous cleanroom work experience are required to take the quick-start training. Waivers for prior experience will be handled during the Fab.nano orientation.

The quick-start provides hands-on training to new users, by following through a simple 1-mask process in a small group. You will gain familiarity with entering the lab, handling samples, learn about deposition, lithography and etch tools, and how to verify process results.

An active MIT.nano user account is required to participate in this training. Please setup an account prior to registering for the training event.

Because we are working in the lab, please wear long pants and full shoes

Please have the Fab.nano Orientation completed before the quick-start event.