The Cypher VRS AFM is a full-featured video-rate AFM capable of measuring insitu nanoscale dynamic processes at video-rate speeds including particle conformational changes, formation and macromolecular assemblies, and many other dynamic processes that are difficult to trace and analyze with conventional approaches. The AFM offers high-resolution video-rate imaging at up to 625 lines per second, which results in up to 10 frames per second. This tool can process imaging during heating/cooling/biasing as well as imaging of liquids.
- Sample size <15mm
- High resolution video-rate imaging at up to 625 lines per second, which leads to at least 10× faster imaging than current “fast scanning” AFMs.
- Captures data directly to a video format, not individual image frames.
- Capture images at high pixel density (512×512) in just over a second, and reduces scan lines to achieve video rates >10 fps.
- blueDrive photothermal excitation makes video-rate AFM simple and stable.
- Scanner is robust and fully sealed against liquid spills.
- Motorized laser and detector alignment make quick work of instrument setup.
- Liquid perfusion probe holder.
- Fast force mapping mode.
- ORCA conductive AFM (CAFM).
- Current mapping with fast force mapping.
- Time resolved high resolution imaging of dynamic processes in solution with nanometer resolution (self assembly, diffusion, growth, degradation).
- Fast mechanical modulus mapping of surfaces with up to 1000 Hz mapping speed (Young’s modulus, Adhesion, Storage-Loss modulus).
- Environmental perfusion holder.
- Heating/Cooling (temperatures 0-250°C).
Please make sure to acknowledge MIT.nano Characterization in any publication, presentations, and patents involving results originated from the use of the Cypher VRS at MIT.nano Characterization Focus Facilities or through assistance from MIT.nano staff.
Suggested language: " This work was performed in part in the MIT.nano Characterization Facilities on the Cypher VRS enabled by DURIP award (N000142012203)"

12-0195 (EM12)
MIT.nano (basement level)
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA