The Rigaku SmartLab is a versatile, multipurpose diffractometer for measurements on a wide range of samples. The SmartLab has a rotating anode X-ray source which gives orders of magnitude more flux than a sealed tube, boosting the observed signal in powder diffraction, grazing-incidence (GIXD), X-ray reflectivity (XRR), and high-resolution diffraction (HRXRD) measurements. For HRXRD applications, the SmartLab is also equipped with an in-plane detector arm which enables measurements on fully in-plane reflections.
- Vertical circle θ/θ goniometer
- Detector in-plane (2θ-χ) arm
- 4-axis sample stage for automated sample alignment
- Bragg-Brentano (parafocusing) and parallel beam geometries
- HT 1500 furnace stage for in situ heating (25 – 1500 °C)
- Capillary spinner stage for transmission measurements
- 9 position automatic sample changer
- X-ray Source: Rotating anode: copper target
- Detectors: Scintillation counter 0D detector; D/teX Ultra 1D position-sensitive detector
Jordan Cox, Ph.D
Building 13
60 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA
Charlie Settens, PhD
Building 13
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA
![Rigaku SmartLab](/sites/default/files/tools/Rigaku-SmartLab-Multipurpose-Diffractometer%20resized.png)
Only qualified users can reserve and use the instrument. Reservations are limited to 4 hours of instrument time.
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA