Building 12 packaging facilities

The Building 12 FAB.nano packaging facility consists of the 5th level wetlab space.

Join this training group in the Atlas Service Center.

Safety training requirements:

  • General Chemical Hygiene (EHS00100)
  • Managing Hazardous Waste (EHS00501)
  • MIT.nano Orientation
  • MIT.nano Emergency Preparedness (covered during orientation)
  • MIT.nano Chemical Hygiene Plan

In addition to the core training requirements for the Fab.nano packaging facility, specialized toolsets within Fab.nano may require more training. The X-ray imaging system in the packaging facility necessitates additional safety training in order to become qualified on this tool.

X-Ray add-on training requirements:

Join the training group

  • X-Ray Safety: Analytical/Industrial

Note: As with all MIT.nano facilities, safety trainings are not synonymous with tool trainings, and do not directly qualify users to operate tools.