Configured to carry out nano-scale characterization and nano-machining on a wide-range of materials from various study areas such as biotechnology, and materials and energy research. This instrument has magnetic immersion electron optics to give 0.9 nm resolution at 15kV. A high brightness field electron emitter can deliver a beam current up to 22 nA and the accelerating voltage from 350V to 30kV. The ion optics produces a resolution of 5.0 nm at 30KV and liquid Gallium emitter delivers 20 nA ion current and the voltage ranging from 0.5 kV to 30kV.
Zhenyuan Zhang PhD
Anna Osherov, PhD
MIT.nano (5th floor)
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Access through Building 13 west entrance (near building 9)
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA