The Bruker D8 General Area Detector Diffraction System (GADDS) is a unique system that uses a 2D area detector and small, point-focus X-ray beam to enable the study of materials that are textured, large-grained, or under residual stress. The GADDS can also be used to collect single-crystal diffraction data sufficient for orientation/unit cell determination, or for collecting small-angle/wide-angle X-ray scattering data (SAXS/WAXS).
- Cobalt X-ray source which eliminates iron or cobalt X-ray fluorescence observed with copper X-rays.
- Horizontal circle 2θ/θ goniometer
- 6-axis (χ-cradle) sample stage for precise 3D sample alignment
- Exchangeable collimator tubes for variable beam size (800 – 50 μm)
- Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 700 for in situ cooling (293 – 90 K)
- Anton Paar DHS 900 domed heating stage for in situ heating (25 – 900 °C)
- Collimator-mounted beam stop for SAXS/WAXS measurements
- X-ray Source: Sealed tube: copper target
- Detectors: Vantec-2000 2D area detector
Jordan Cox, Ph.D
Building 13
60 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA
Charlie Settens, PhD
Building 13
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Only qualified users can reserve and use the instrument.
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA